Xanthelasma (or xanthelasma palpebrarum) is a sharply demarcated yellowish deposit of fat underneath the skin, usually on or around theeyelids.
Because of the hereditary component, they may or may not indicate high blood levels of
cholesterol. Where there is no family history of xanthelasmata, they usually indicate high cholesterol and may correlate with a risk ofatheromatous disease.
A xanthelasma may instead be referred to as a xanthoma when becoming larger and nodular, assuming tumorous proportions.Still, xanthelasma is often classified simply as a subtype of xanthoma.
A recent conference report — that is not yet published in a peer reviewed journal — claimed to show that the presence of Xanthelasma was associated with increased risk of heart attack of 51% and increased risk of ischemic heart disease of 40%
Familial hypercholesterolemia
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Xanthelasmata can be removed with a trichloroacetic acid peel, surgery, lasers or cryotherapy. Removal may cause scarring and pigment changes, but it is an uncommon side-effect of treatment.
While they are neither harmful nor painful, these minor growths may be disfiguring and can be removed.
Because of the hereditary component, they may or may not indicate high blood levels of
cholesterol. Where there is no family history of xanthelasmata, they usually indicate high cholesterol and may correlate with a risk ofatheromatous disease.
A xanthelasma may instead be referred to as a xanthoma when becoming larger and nodular, assuming tumorous proportions.Still, xanthelasma is often classified simply as a subtype of xanthoma.
A recent conference report — that is not yet published in a peer reviewed journal — claimed to show that the presence of Xanthelasma was associated with increased risk of heart attack of 51% and increased risk of ischemic heart disease of 40%
Familial hypercholesterolemia
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Xanthelasmata can be removed with a trichloroacetic acid peel, surgery, lasers or cryotherapy. Removal may cause scarring and pigment changes, but it is an uncommon side-effect of treatment.