Thursday, 10 November 2011

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

side-effects of vaccinations.....

When Allopathic Vaccination Cannot Be AvoidedThe following procedure may be used to reduce the undesirable side-effects of such vaccinations.

1.      Immediately after vaccination, give Aconitum nap. 30c, twice a day for three days.
2.      After Aconitum give Thuja 30c, twice a day for 4 days.

Dr. Abhishek Pandey

Some common Disorders and their Prophylactic Remedies...

Some common Disorders and their Prophylactic Remedies
Chicken Pox  Antimonium tart., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox.

Cholera  Arsenicum alb., Choleratoxinum , Cuprum ac., Veratrum alb.

Diphtheria  Apis, Mercurius cyan., Diphtherinum

Hydrophobia/ Rabies  Hydrophobinum, Lyssinum, Stramonium

Influenza & Colds  Psorinum 200c given in the Fall before it becomes cold will strengthen the system against cold and flu virus;  Influenzinum et Baccilinum 200c (from Nelson's Pharmacy, London) every 3-4 weeks during flu season greatly reduces the incidence of colds and influenza;  Ocilloccocinum, 10 pellets twice a day given at the first sign of a cold or flu will often abort the infection.

Measles  Aconitum nap., Arsenicum alb., Morbillinum, Pulsatilla, Varicellinium

Mumps  Parotidinum, Pilocarpine, Trifolium rep.

Pertussis/ Whooping Cough  Cuprum met., Drosera, Vaccinum, Pertussinum

Pneumonia - Pneumococcinum

Polio  Carbolic ac., Lathyrus sat. Physostigma,, Polio (mixed nosode), Polio (Salk)

Rubella / German measles  Pulsatilla, Rubella nosode

Small Pox  Antimonium tart., Hydrastis, Kali cyan., Variolinum

Tetanus  Ledum pal., Thuja, Tetanotoxinum;  it is often recommended that the allopathic immunization be given instead as it produces vary few problems

Tonsillitis/ Quinsy- Barita carbonica 30c given when inflammation threatens will abort the development of the inflammation

Dr.Abhishek Pandey

Advantages of Homeopathy ......

Advantages of Homeopathy
  • According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world’s second leading system of medicine for primary health care.
  • Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals.
  • Homœopathy cures a disease, rather than merely suppressing its symptoms.
  • Homœopathy uses only natural substances in minute doses.
  • Homœopathy improves the body’s resistance and immunity.
  • Homœopathy enhances Health rather than Diminishes Illness
  • Homœopathy ensures long-term benefits.
  • Homœopathy gives long lasting to permanent cure.
  • No complicated procedures for taking the medicines.
  • No bitter pills or painful injections.
  • It does away with unnecessary surgery.
  • Potent Preventive
  • Cost effective – Homeopathic medicines are remarkably inexpensive compared to regular medications
  • Homœopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease.
  • Homœopathic remedies are gentle, non-toxic, harmless, safe and without any side-effects.
  • Homœopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine.
  • Unlike Antibiotics, homœopathic remedies do not disturb digestive system nor do they lower the immune system (Body’s resistance).
  • Homœopathy is very effective in various allergic disorders
  • Homœopathy is a boon in the hands of qualified doctors (Classical Homœopaths) who strictly follow the rules and instructions laid down by Dr. S. Hahnemann.
  • Homœopathy is equally effective and safe to human beings, animals, birds and plants.
  • Homœopathic treatment is given to correct the root cause of the illness.
  • Homœopathic medicines are administered in minute doses that act gently and stimulate the body’s self-healing response.
  • Homœopathic treatment is ideal to optimize the body’s natural defenses against microbes.
  • Homœopathy works in harmony with the immune system, unlike Allopathic Drugs which suppress and destroy the immune system.
  • Homœopathic remedies are not addictive – once relief is felt, patient should stop taking them.
  • Homeopathy is equally effective for children, adults and the aged
  • No after effects or contraindications:  the Homoeopathic treatment is effective, free of side effects. There are no known adverse reactions.
  • Highly effective: Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating diseases, particularly, the chronic diseases.
  • Palliative: Several incurable conditions pains experienced by cancer patients on death-bed the intake of homeopathic medicines act as palliative remedy.
  • Anti-viral, anti-allergic: Homeopathy has treatment with non-drowsy medicines for allergic hay fever, viral warts, cold etc.
  • Anti-septic – some homeopathic medicines act as anti-septic. After surgery the use of homeopathic remedy gives an anti-septic effect, wound healing etc.
  • Easily taken by children- These medicines being made from sugar pills or non-bitter substances, which are medicated, are loved by children and hence there is no need for forcing them for taking the medicines.
  • Immunity and resistance increased: Immune system of children is increased and resistance is built up in cases of recurrent attacks of cold, tonsillitis etc.
  • Surgery avoidance: In some cases, we can avoid surgery by in certain case like  tonsillitis, adenoid enlargement, PCOD, Uterine fibroid, renal calculi, hemorrhoids etc.
  • Cost-effective: Homeopathic medicines are cheap compared to allopathic medicines and can be used by all. It is the most economic form of healthcare treatment.
  • Homeopathy has no painful injection or invasive methods.
  • Prophylactic treatment: We can use these medicines as preventive medicines for several ailments such as chicken-pox, measles, travel sickness etc.
Dr.Abhishek Pandey

Monday, 7 November 2011

All About Homoeopathy You Always Wanted to Know...

All About Homoeopathy You Always Wanted to Know...
What is homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy (=homeopathy) is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature's Law of Cure, namely 'Like Cures Like'. The truth of this law was discovered by a German scientist Dr.Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, and has been verified experimentally and clinically for 200 years. Homoeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. Homoeopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body's own healing power.
Why should homoeopathy be the first choice of therapy ?Homoeopathy is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure, treating the disease from its roots, for most of the ailments. Homoeopathy is the most rational science with respect to its concepts of health, disease and cure. Homoeopathy does not treat superficially by just driving away the symptoms but heals the patient from within. Undoubtedly, homoeopathy is the medicine of future.
Homoeopathy: The Holistic medicine : The concept of disease in homoeopathy is that disease is a total affection of mind and body, the disturbance of the whole organism. Individual organs are not the cause of illness but disturbance at the inner level (disturbance of the life force, the vital energy of the body ) is the cause of illness. Therefore homoeopathy does not believe in giving different medicines for different afflicted parts of body but rather give one single constitutional remedy which will cover the disturbance of the whole person. Homoeopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease. Medical philosophy is coming more and more to the conclusion that the mere treatment of symptoms and organs can only help temporarily and that it is the healing power of the body as whole that has to be enhanced. Homoeopathy believes in holistic, totalistic and individualistic approach.
Homoeopathy: Magic of Minimum dose Homoeopathy has a unique approach of the method of preparation of the drugs in which the end result will contain only the 'dynamic curative power' of the drug substance, devoid of any original crude substance. By a special mode of preparation called 'potentisation', over 2500 homeopathic medicines are prepared from sources such as vegetables, animal, minerals, chemicals, etc. Hence homeopathic remedies with its ultra minute dose are non toxic, absolutely harmless and brings about SAFE AND SURE CURE. Homoeopathic remedies are dynamic agents influencing body's energy.Homoeopathy: Ideal for Infants and Children Most of the children's ailments like Cold, Cough, Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps, Dentition problems, etc., could be very effectively and quickly treated with homoeopathy without producing any side effects whatsoever. Unlike antibiotics and other such medicines, homeopathic pills do not hamper digestion, nor lower body's resistance. Neither do they cause any allergies nor cause any damage even if taken over a long period. Homoeopathic pills being sweet in taste, is willingly ingested by children. Indeed, homoeopathy is child-Friendly ! Besides, homoeopathy is effective also in temperament and behavioral problems seen commonly in children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well as in mentally & physically backward children.
Homoeopathy: Better substitute to Antibiotics... Homoeopathy is an effective alternate to antibiotics in infectious diseases, producing no toxic side effects and bringing about rapid recovery. Homoeopathy has definite treatment for most of the infectious disease such as Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Otitis media (pus from ear), Gastro-enteritis (vomiting-diarrhoea), Dysentery, Urinary Infections, etc.
Homoeopathy: Offers best treatment for Viral Infections Viral infections such as common cold, influenza, measles, chickenpox, mumps, viral hepatitis (jaundice), viral meningitis etc. are very well treated with homoeopathy. Allopathic system has no curative treatment for viral diseases except infusing antibiotics under the pretext of preventing secondary bacterial infection.
Homoeopathy: Often avoids Surgery Homoeopathy is not against surgery. Surgery is an art and science by itself. Surgery is called forth in the conditions where medicines have limited or no role, and where surgical aid, operation can cure or improve the condition. There are number of diseases which are labeled as 'surgical', where homoeopathy works curatively and can avoid surgery. Some such ailments are : Septic recurrent Tonsillitis, Piles, Fissure-in-ano, Fistula, Appendicitis (except gangrenous), Chronic ear discharge, Vocal cord nodules, Polyp in nose-ear, Kidney & Biliary (small) stones, small size Uterine Fibroid, Ovarian Cysts, Warts , Corns, etc.
Homoeopathy: Answer to Allergic diseases In modern life infections have diminished and various allergic disorders have grown rampant. Homoeopathy offers very effective treatment in all allergic diseases such as various skin diseases like Urticaria, Eczema, Contact Dermatitis, as well as gives unbelievably miraculous results in Asthmatic Bronchitis.
Homoeopathy: Excellent for Psychosomatic ailments The psychosomatic disorders like Migraine, Asthma, Acidity, Peptic ulcer, Allergy, Ulcerative colitis, etc. are successfully treated with homoeopathy. Homoeopathy has long recognised the psychological origin of somatic (body) symptoms. Homoeopathy always examines patient's mental make-up in all cases and remedies are given acting at the level of mind and body together, thus eradicating the disease. Perhaps no other system of medicine has such a superb approach of tackling the mind-body disorders with definite therapeutic agents. Homoeopathic remedies are capable of influencing the state of mind. They can specifically act to alleviate emotional disturbance such as excessive anxiety, irritability, insecurity, obsessive traits, undue jealousy, suspicion (paranoid) fears, depression, neurosis etc. By relieving the emotions such as above, homeopathic remedies bring about harmonious state of health. Thus homoeopathy demonstrates the possibility of the highest goal of medicine, the therapy for the person rather than for the disease alone. Homoeopathic remedies can cure mental & emotional disturbed states.
Homoeopathic Opinion: A must ... In this scientific era of health consciousness, the time has come that for the treatment of any disease which does not respond to any particular line of treatment, one must take a homeopathic opinion immediately. Often patients lose their early time going to one specialist to another helplessly, without permanent relief, and approach homoeopathy only when other medicines fail.
Homoeopathy: Not a last Resort To obtain the best results and full benefits of homeopathic science, one should resort to homoeopathy in the early phase of sickness. Because of ignorance and lack of awareness in general public about the usefulness of homoeopathy in all kinds of diseases ranging from Cold to Cancer, many patients approach homoeopathy late. By this time the disease process advances to an incurable stage and homoeopathy can offer little then, to the otherwise curable disorders. However timely given homeopathic treatment could be a blessing to the ailing humanity.
Homoeopathy: A complete system of medicine. Homoeopathy is not limited to certain diseases but is universally applicable to all kinds of diseases. It is time, when people must be made fully aware of the benefits and the scope of homoeopathy in various day to day diseases. Homoeopathy should be more and more made available to the benefit of ailing persons, as it can positively help 90% of the diseases we have today.

Chicken pox

Chicken Pox
Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness that is common in children, particularly those under age 12. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) also known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3), one of the eight herpes viruses known to affect humans. The infections is characterized by a fever and itchy, red spots usually appearing on the chest and stomach first, then appearing in crops over the entire body. The red spots turn into small blisters that dry up and form scabs over about a week. Symptoms usually go away without treatment, but because the infection is very contagious, an infected child should stay home and rest until the symptoms are gone.
How is it spread?Chickenpox spreads easily. It is most contagious the day before the rash appears.
  • It spreads from person to person through direct contact with the virus. You can get chickenpox if you touch a blister, or the liquid from a blister. You can also get chickenpox if you touch the spit of a person who has chickenpox. The virus enters the body by the nose or mouth and can make you sick also.
  • It can also spread through the air, if you are near someone with chickenpox who is coughing or sneezing.
  • A pregnant woman with chickenpox can pass it on to her baby before birth.
  • Mothers with chickenpox can also give it to their newborn babies after birth.
The only way to stop the spread of the virus from person to person is to prevent infected people from sharing the same room or house, which isn't practical. Chickenpox cannot be spread through indirect contact.

You may notice several symptoms before the typical chickenpox rash appears. Known as prodromal, or early symptoms, they include fever, a vague feeling of sickness, or decreased appetite. Within a few days, a rash appears. The rash looks like small red pimples or blisters.

Chickenpox does not infect chickens (humans are the only animal infected by the VZV virus), but it was felt that the red pimples resembled chick peas, hence the name "chickenpox."
Symptoms of chickenpox
  • A rash that usually begins on the body and face and later often spreads to the scalp and limbs.
  • It may also spread to the mucous membranes especially in the mouth and on the genitals.
  • The rash is often itchy.
  • It begins as small red spots which develop into blisters in a couple of hours.
  • After one or two days, the blisters turn into scabs.
  • New blisters may appear after three to six days.
  • The number of blisters differs greatly from one person to another.
  • The infected person may run a temperature.
  • These symptoms are mild in young children.
  • Chickenpox lasts 7 to 10 days in children and longer in adults.
  • Adults can feel very ill and take longer to recover. They are also more likely than children to suffer complications.
Who is at risk of complications?
  • Pregnant women who have not had chickenpox.
  • People with a weak immune system, such as those with acute or chronic leukaemia or HIV.
  • Patients taking medicine to suppress their immune system, such as long-term oral corticosteroids.
Those in the at-risk group who are exposed to the varicella-zoster virus can be given an injection of varicella-zoster-immunoglobin to boost their immunity. In some countries, vaccination against chickenpox is available.
Chickenpox is contagious from about 2 days before the rash appears and lasts until all the blisters are crusted over. A child with chickenpox should be kept out of school until all blisters have dried, usually about 1 week. If you're unsure about whether your child is ready to return to school, ask your doctor.
Chickenpox is very contagious - most kids with a sibling who's been infected will get it as well, showing symptoms about 2 weeks after the first child does. To help keep the virus from spreading, make sure your kids wash their hands frequently, particularly before eating and after using the bathroom. And keep a child with chickenpox away from unvaccinated siblings as much as possible.
When to seek Medical Advice
Although most cases of chickenpox heal without complications, sometimes medical attention is required. Call the doctor if any of the following conditions develop:
  • Fever higher than 103?F
  • A rash involving an eye
  • Continued dehydration, vomiting, or decreased fluid intake
  • Uncertainty of diagnosis or what medication to give
  • Blisters leak a thick, yellow or green fluid.
  • Areas around a blister are red, increasingly painful, or swollen, or have red streaking extending from the site.

topic by-
dr.abhishek pandey
8th nov.2011